
Showing posts from 2006

Just a parting word..

In sharp contrast to what I have written below(in the last post),right now not only can I access blogger,I can access it very quickly.Yipee!!:))You can read all about how this transformation took place in my new blog at this link here Though now I can use blogger,I won't.I guess its no use looking back:P

Finally bye bye....

Ok,so first things first-its official,I have decided to dump blogger.The damn thing simply refuses to open in the hostel rooms.What am I supposed to do then?Go to the IPC at 2 oclock in night(for some reason the only time of the day when my mind generates ideas)??.But let me be clear.Its NOT that I DONT like Blogger.Its just that it is not useful to me anymore.I can't read my brothers blog.I can't write my own blog.I can't read any blog on blogger.And the whole blame goes to the net connection.It seems some dislike towards sites of Google.. Gmail.Orkut.Blogger.Is it because they are so damn popular.Must be. Am switching to wordpress. I have slept 10 hours since the last 48 hours.Pretty low by my standards.around one and a half months since I haven't been home,but it doesn't feel like it.Thats the beauty of BITS.I feel home here.Saw 'A beautiful mind' the other day.One of the best movies I have seen.Before sunrise and Before sunset w

Animal sightings!

This post has come after a pretty long time without a change in the subject that the previous four posts pertain to,but considering what a lazy bumass(whatever that means!) I am,I can safely assume that the people reading this will excuse me.Actually I had initially thought that I would put the photos at one time but the IPC is so wonderful that it compels you to change your ideas.And thus the blog remained until today- unchanged,untouched(except for a comment or two by my dear sidey,and yes Neha too).So enjoy the animals.. Jackal..looks surprisingly like a dog,doesn't it? Don't know what these birds are,but they were very cute and they momentarily perched on our palms to take away the titbits which we offered them.No fear at all of humans! This is a nilgai for those who don't know(Its supposed to be blue or something but this was a female and hence isn't-thats what the guide said). Cute antelopes. And deers-chittals to be more precise..

At last we are at Sariska...

Work of Art! Dinner at hotel just outside the sanctuary gates And We Finally enter the park(in open jeeps-its not allowed to step out of the jeeps).(Well,I must confess..we had to get out at one point of time due to unavoidable circumstances.)

Still on the way to Sariska..

These are some photos near the town of Alwar..where we had stoped to enjoy the view.There were lots of Bandar-log around(excluding us of course)and turtles in river.And the majestic Kingfisher too!!Unfortunately I cant upload all the FOUR HUNDRED snaps that we took on our trip.The rocks where we are all sitting are opposite the river with the road in between. Some of my friends Junta Yo kingfisher! The River

Trip to Sariska

This weekend I had gone with my wingies to Sariska national park.For those of whom haven't heard of this place,its between two of its more famous cousins-Bharatpur Bird Sanctuary towards the north and Ranthambore Tiger reserve to the south.It was one of the most enjoyable weekends that I have spent after coming to BITS.A weekend to sac out(relax), and have gen fun with mainly wingies and pseudo wingies.They say that a picture is worth a thousand words and hence I am devoting the next few posts to photos only.Mind you,NONE of them are edited! On the way to Sariska... Tunnel in the mountains..Hurray!! There are a lot many more photos..Just wait and watch...

APOGEE 2K6 and Beyond

So finally I have decided to write something in my long stagnant blog.Was somewhat busy during the past few days because of APOGEE(A Professions Oriented Gathering Over Educational Experience)-the technical festival of BITS Pilani held during 21st to 25th March. We had initially started out to conduct a Workshop.And the topic was "Free space Optics" which was chosen by my dear friend Rishi Mathur.( make it more impressive we tried to make a working model which worked 2 days before Apogee and the seniors were so happy that instead of putting our work in the 'workshop' category they put it in the 'project' category.And surprises of surprises!Our "project" made it into the top 5 in the "best concept" slot in the division which contained Comp sci,instru,EEE and infosys.That was a real stunner so to say.On the other hand it says something sad about APOGEE,in fact,BITS in general-that the level of Apogee

First love...Dhapofied

10th Grade >>> > >>> > >>> > >>> >As I sat there in English class, I stared at the girl next to >>>me. >>> >She was my so-called "best friend". I stared at her long, silky >>> >hair. I wished she were mine, but she didn't notice me like >>>that. >>> >And I knew it. After class she walked up to me and asked me >>>for >>> >the notes she had missed the day before, and I handed them to >>>her. >>> >She said "thanks" and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I wanted to >>> >tell her. I wanted her to know that I don't want to be just >>> >friends. I love her, but I'm just too shy. And I don't know why. >>> > >>> >11th Grade >>> > >>> >The phone rang. It was her on the other end. She was in tears, >>> >mumbling on and on about how her love h

Mumbai meri Jaan

I tried so hard, And got so far, But in the end, It doesn't even matter. This is what I remembered when I saw my Physics answer sheet today.22/60 is NOT a flattering score,and it hurts especially coz I REALLY KNEW my course this time.Life frequently throws a dangerous and demoralizing bullet at you,a bullet with the name 'frustration'.And it has somehow hit me.It has another realisation:the fact that you can do very little to change what has happened.For I made the stupidest of mistakes in the paper,causing me to lose around 20 marks.Ya,and that can make all the difference in the world to the grade.What pisses me off most is that questions which don't deserve more than 4 marks are thrown in for 15 marks which reduces the number of questions,subsequently affecting the perfomance.Cause if to you make a single mistake you get a straight zero,there being no partial marking. That apart,I must mention as I continually do,blogging takes time.And a computer.Which is fr

If tommorow comes....

-Tommorow I am going to bathe. -Tommorow I am going to clean my room ,including the 12 cobwebs. -Tommorow I am going to cover by bed with a bedsheet. -Tommorow I am going to wash my clothes. -Tommorow I am going to post a blog. -Tommorow I am going to get up early(before 8 is early for me). I have been saying this for about a week now,and I have done ALL these things today.Yipee!!It feels good. -ELDEST-the sequel to Eragon,was a nice read.It has got a nice twist in the end,and I must admit I was taken in. -Sidney Sheldon has lost the high opinion I had of him,his stories tends to be repetative,and his heroines are generally dumber than the average American. -'Wedding crashers' is an ultimate laugh riot,and maybe especially to me coz i haven't seen many such movies.I have learnt that movies are enjoyed more with a group of friends rather than sitting alone on a comp and watching it. Today is Founder's day,so we had KK Birla coming over and all regional Assocs perf

Laugh and Cry

Shrek!! Hitler Gollum The Original Kid!!! This was Laughing Now about Crying: Yesterday I made a BIG mistake by watching the movie 'The Land of the dead'.It is a completely mind numbing movie by any standards.Shaadi no. One could have won an oscar.All the time you have hundreds of zombies coming to take over the last remaning 'live' city with the soldiers firing them all about.What I can't comprehend is how the hell can the Zombies Die again?!And add to that,the horrible people were chewing every living thing in sight so that the screen was a crim

Lets play a game called 'Guessing'

Aim of the Game: Guess the real person!! Only one of the person in the blue workman's outfit is a real,live person.The other one is a chalk drawing made on the street.So what is your guess??Confused? ? Ok so let me answer it myself.The person on the left is the chalk image and the person on the right is the artist .Keep in mind that the surface is absolutely FLAT. Amazingly Real isn't it? Saw Apaharan the day before.It is a decently made movie with harsh realities and the sorry state of

General things

So finally it is happening again.Things have started to pile up all around me and even the tests have begun.Slowly but steadily work is piling up.I will have to sort it all out quickly.Organise is suitable word.That reminds me,I haven't cleaned my room(nor has my roomie).It is a complete mess and I am having trouble finding things that I need.Aaj ka newspaper bhi mere room ka kachra ban chuka hai.Mere bed pe bedsheet nahi hain.Mere roommain as of today 12 spider webs hainHave Today I could not resist the temptation to miss the Comp. Prog. Lecture at 8 in the morning.I feel humans do not work properly unless the are somewhat forced to.I mean sometimes I feel that the 'no attendance' thing in BITS is causing more harm than good.I know most people wont't agree with me,but that is what I feel,take it or leave it. Our wing recently has become somewhat closer in resemblence to a hospital than a hostel.Viral fever is the culprit.Already it has incapacitated four people.Tha

WillPower,Plus Points, Food and Movie

I have realised it took a lot of my will power to: - Get up early in the morning in freezing conditions. - Listen to the droning of the lecturer without falling asleep(people fall asleep in the front row itself). - Endure the torturous computer programming lab where the tutor was valiantly trying to teach us stuff like how to open a folder in windows,how to create a new folder etc,when everybody already knows it. - Realise and accept that my Thermodynamics grade has slipped from B to C due to just 3 marks (out of 300),and that my CGPA could have been 8.1 instead of 7.8. - Control frustration during the frequent power cuts due to some generator problem. - Come to the IPC and write this post on a warm saturday afternoon when everybody was playing either AOE or CS. This proves what I had long suspected-I have a lot of willpower! Now there are some plus points in this sem: - No. of tuts have been reduced so that th

Welcome 2006

It seems that Siddharth is frustrated that I have stopped blogging and hence bowing to public demand I will have to write something here now.So here goes: Currently I am damn pissed off because I am typing this whole post again due to an error in the Ipc computer that wiped out my unpublished post.It is not very easy to come to the IPC regularly to write blogs.And on the top of that when something like this happens really become mad. Anyways my reentry into Pliani was a memorable one We had to change 3 buses from Jaipur to Pilani coz there are few private buses that run directly from Jaipur to Pilani.The first thing that I noticed was a very noticable drop in the temperature.For people who might be interested,The f**king place has a current temperature of minus 3 degree celcius.That is maddening cold I can assure you.It somehow manages to get under 5 layers of clothing and chill your skin to the bone.There is no escaping it.It is omnipresent and paralysing.One cannjot work