
Here I am,smelling strongly of kerosene(Hold it! I am not attempting a suicide so don't worry:) and typying away at my keyboard(Did I say MY keybaord?My apologies) And why should I be smelling of kerosene then?Obvious question.The reason being that I have just attended a Workshop Practice session.
Such a nice place it is you see.Smells stongly of kerosene,acetylene, burning wood and metal.Add up the filthy overcoat that we have to wear , "professional " jobs which we have to do slogging our asses off and you have got a potent combination.No wonder people regularly throw up(I wont say vomit,It doesn't seem nice) and faint.But then an Second thoughts(maybe it was the third one,I can't remember),its not a bad place really.I really got to learn some 'real' stuff there.I made things that I knew won't actually pass the standards of skilled workers,but the joy which I get on seeing the completed job is kinda good.
Here are somethings which I have made in the workshop uptil now:
Welding:Included gas welding and Electric arc welding.

Smithy:Made a hook.

Sheet metal:Made a funnel.

Foundry:Made a sand cast for moulding

Lathes:Made a hammer

Fitting and Elctroplating:Made a nickel plated paper weight

Metrology:Studied how measurements are made.

Carpentry:Made a wooden shelf

Milling,Rolling,Power tools:made gears

Nice,No?And I get to buy my own hand made products sometime soon.Am surely gonna buy everything I made.And I forgot to mention, there is this interesting 'treasure hunt' coming up in workshop pracs sometime soon.Basically it involves finding any named tools from the workshop in a specified amount of time.(They expect us to remember all the tools in the whole damn place!)Everybody is gonna screw this one up for sure.
Actually the workshop is lucky that it has recieved so much place in my doesn't really figure in my important things.(Who said one has to write about important things in blogs?)But then every dog has his day.(Mine will came too...)


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