Animal sightings!

This post has come after a pretty long time without a change in the subject that the previous four posts pertain to,but considering what a lazy bumass(whatever that means!) I am,I can safely assume that the people reading this will excuse me.Actually I had initially thought that I would put the photos at one time but the IPC is so wonderful that it compels you to change your ideas.And thus the blog remained until today- unchanged,untouched(except for a comment or two by my dear sidey,and yes Neha too).So enjoy the animals..

Jackal..looks surprisingly like a dog,doesn't it?

Don't know what these birds are,but they were very cute and they momentarily perched on our palms to take away the titbits which we offered them.No fear at all of humans!

This is a nilgai for those who don't know(Its supposed to be blue or something but this was a female and hence isn't-thats what the guide said).

Cute antelopes.

And deers-chittals to be more precise..


jackal is pseud! bikul dog jaisa hai...

we had a kite in our hostel a few days ago. and then there are freshies like you who (wrongly) beleive our hostel is also infested with crocs :| as if leopards werent enough :p

good luck with exams
Anonymous said…
Update!!! :)

Or put up any of the many tags!
Anonymous said…
Ref: Post dated June 9 :) When you are done with that, let me know, there's another dated March 22!

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