
Since around a week I am in Gurgaon, the technology capital of North India. Some quick observations:

1. Gurgaon is DLF. DLF is Gurgaon. They have built the whole freakin' township. Everything else is just support and built after that.
2. The public transport cannot be called worse than anywhere else in India. Because it doesn't EXIST.
3. Well ok, that was an overstatement. But really, there are no buses. The Gurgaon metro is still being built. The Delhi metro just extends till HUDA city center and is the only saving grace. Auto rickshaw wallahs are robbers.
4. Delhi is not that far off, thanks to the Delhi metro's extension. I have no idea how Delhites coped before the metro. Seriously. Cars, I believe.

Couldn't see the famed T3 at the Delhi airport. Perhaps when I take off from here..


1.Gurgaon is NOT DLF. The Dlf area just comprises about 20% of gurgaon.
2.Gurgaon actually does have a public transport system but it is difficult to find for those who don't live in the city.
3.Auto rickshaw wallahs are not robbers they are just people trying to earn their living.

I was born in gurgaon and am currently living here. Have also lived in london and can realise why you are criticising gurgaon (cos you're a douche).
Hardik and Alimpan,

1. 20% of a city built by a single developer just proves my point. Show me any other city where one developer has built even 2% of the city. Thanks for the statistic.
And btw, this is not a bad thing, as you seem to infer.
2. "Difficult to find for those who don't live in the city". What is this supposed to mean? That the buses are invisible and only the natives of Gurgaon can see them through some red tinted glass?
3. Everybody in the world is "just trying to earn their living". Even robbers just try to earn a living. That doesn't stop them being robbers.

"Have also lived in london and can realise why you are criticising gurgaon (cos you're a douche)"
I fail to realize how your living in London enables you to realize my reason for criticizing Gurgaon. And making personal insults on a public blog just proves who is a douche and who isn't.

Finally, so that your ego is satiatied, let me say this: Delhi's T3 is awesome.
The london point is basically to show you that have lived in better cities but am saying that Gurgaon though not as good as other cities yet is still developing and buses are available, it is just that for a person who is not a resident of gurgaon as their routes are a little haywire and catching a bus is like trying to fight WW2 single-handedly. Also the auto rickshaw ppl do not charge huge amounts, the city is quite large and if you actually think about how much their true profit is you will realise what i am saying is true. If they do charge high amounts then haggling with them is very easy and a ride for which Rs.100 was asked can be easily taken down to 60 or 70. Sorry for the douche comment but what would you expect from a teenager who saw his hometown being even slightly insulted. It was a rash action which i regret now. All i wanted to say was that your comments were a bit quick and that if you actually stayed in gurgaon for 2 or 3 months or so you would find it a very diverse and amazing place which has a mixture of huge bustling offices, malls and a lot of culture in the old part of the city. For example, did you know that Gurgaon village was given to guru dronacharya as guru dakshina in the hindu epic mahabharata. Am not trying to insult you but show you that what you saw was only the tip of the iceberg. However, did like the rest of the stuff on your blog. The Gurgaon stuff just left me a bit miffed. No offence meant on the douche comment. BTW this is Hardik. Alimpan is a sort of nom de pleume.
A much better response from a more interesting person.
You bring very interesting points. I realize that Gurgaon is a developing city and its transport infrastructure is still evolving. I was merely trying to point out the fact that for a city that has grown so large, the public transport infrastructure fails short. Think of it from a poor man's point of view - a poor person can survive in Delhi, Mumbai or Kolkata, but not in Gurgaon.
Lets face it, Gurgaon is largely a city of the rich. For people who own apartments, cars and have jobs in multistoried Air cooled buildings, its perfect. But the same autowallah who overcharges possibly does so because his living expenses are also higher than what they would be for his counterpart in say, Mumbai.
I also agree that I would have discovered the city more had I live there longer. Interesting stuff about the Mahabharatha episode too. Thanks for the information.
Also, just like spoken words, written words on the internet too cannot be taken back, so be careful the next time!

Thanks for the compliment on my blog. Keep reading! (Though I will need to post for you to read :-)
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