On humans

The lazybum that I am, I am just re pasting my comment here on my brother's blogpost here.

"You are absolutely correct about the average longevity of humans being the prime reason why humans evolved this way. If a person expected to die at the age of 30, it made sense to procreate at the age of 15 so that by the time he dies, his child would procreate and the cycle continues. Mental, societal and economical considerations of having children were non-existent. And not to forget, there was no contraception.

It is only in the last 400 years or so that man has turned nature on its head and extended human life by leaps and bound - but that ratio of the age of death and age of procreation remains roughly the same - 60: 30

Of course people now easily cross 60, so we have lots of grandparents :-)

Coming to think of it, humans have screwed around with nature, controlled and used it to such an extent that we might just end up destroying ourselves. (environment, nuclear hazards, biochemical hazards) "


Chetana said…
A very good remark on the post!
Nice! :-)

I would like to add here, regarding the age limit set for women to marry and have kids only after 18...
Years ago, when women would reproduce at an age less than 18, the physical fitness of the woman was at stake, not only affecting her physically but also mentally. Gradually it is this understanding that considered the aspect of mental maturity as well and set a limit to 18.
Furthermore, the only responsibility of women then was to give birth and look after their kids, family and house. Their existence was only confined to their home. Now these circumstances being changed, in addition to the increasing crime rate and the change in our lifestyle (which in this respect is negative - mainly eating habits and physical activities), age limit of 18 somewhat makes sense...

Just a realization, 18 too is sooo early! :O :O

But what is to be thought upon here is that earlier people were 'naturally strong', which is not the state today. It’s high time that we realize this and adopt a 'naturally healthy' way of life!

Phew. Long comment. ;)

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